
Garrett GTI 2500


Garrett GTI 2500 is a high-end metal detector that is packed with advanced features and technology. It has a waterproof search coil, adjustable sensitivity and depth settings, and a variety of search modes to help you find the treasures you’re looking for. The GTI 2500 is equipped with PowerMaster DSP circuitry which provides multiple channel filtering, adaptability to hunting speeds, and automatic ground tracking for improved depth, discrimination, and pinpointing. Additionally, the TreasureVision feature provides a visual representation of target size and depth, allowing you to easily identify your finds. The GTI 2500 is capable of detecting coins, jewelry, gold nuggets, and other metallic objects with high accuracy, making it a powerful tool for treasure hunting.

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Product Description

Garrett GTI 2500 is a top-of-the-line metal detector designed for professional treasure hunters and serious metal detecting enthusiasts. It is a powerful and versatile detector that can be used in a variety of environments and conditions, making it a top choice for those who want to find treasures hidden in the ground.

One of the standout features of the GTI 2500 is its Graphic Target Imaging (GTI) technology, which allows you to see a visual representation of the target’s size and depth on the detector’s display screen. This technology is designed to help you identify targets more accurately and reduce the amount of time you spend digging up junk.

The GTI 2500 also features advanced ground balance technology that can handle a wide range of soil conditions, including highly mineralized soils. This means that you can use the detector in a variety of environments and still get accurate results.

The Pro Mode Audio feature of the GTI 2500 allows you to hear subtle changes in the target’s signal, making it easier to distinguish between good and bad targets. This feature is particularly useful in areas with high levels of trash or mineralization.

The GTI 2500 also has a sophisticated iron discrimination system that can help you separate iron targets from non-ferrous metals. This can be particularly useful when searching for valuable items like coins and jewelry.

Here are the features of the Garrett GTI 2500 :


GRAPHIC TARGET IMAGING (GTI) – Is a technology used in Garrett metal detectors to display the actual size and depth of a target. This technology provides a visual representation of target information on a large, easy-to-read LCD screen, allowing the user to identify their finds with more precision. With GTI, treasure hunters can know the size of a target before digging, giving them a better idea of what to expect and improving their chances of finding valuable items.

POWER MASTER DSP (Digital Signal Processing) circuitry – The DSP technology is a patented and advanced circuitry system that helps in multiple channel filtering, continuous adaptability to hunting speeds and automatic ground tracking. This technology provides high accuracy and precision for detecting metallic objects like coins, jewelry, gold nuggets, etc. The PowerMaster DSP circuitry provides superior depth, discrimination, and pinpointing performance and helps the user to locate targets more easily.

GRAPHIC TARGET ANALYZING (GTA) – Provides the user with visual target information on a large, easy-to-read LCD screen. The system displays information such as target size and depth, allowing the user to easily identify and locate their finds. The GTA system works in conjunction with other advanced technologies like the PowerMaster DSP circuitry, TreasureHound EagleEye Depth Multiplier, and TreasureVision to provide the user with a comprehensive and accurate picture of what lies beneath the ground. With the GTA system, treasure hunters can make more informed digging decisions and improve their chances of finding valuable treasures.

CUSTOMIZABLE SENSITIVITY – Allows the user to adjust the sensitivity of the metal detector to suit their specific needs and the environment they are searching in. This feature can be adjusted to reduce interference from mineralization in the ground or to increase sensitivity to smaller targets. The ability to customize sensitivity can greatly improve the performance of the metal detector and help the user to find more targets.

DEPTH SETTINGS – Allows the user to adjust the depth settings to optimize your search for specific types of targets. By adjusting the depth settings, you can fine-tune the detector’s performance to match the type of soil, ground mineralization, and target you are searching for. This customizable feature makes the GTI 2500 a versatile and effective tool for treasure hunters, allowing them to search in a variety of conditions and environments.

TRUE ALL METAL MODE – Detects all types of metal and offers the highest possible detection depth and sensitivity. This mode is ideal for experienced treasure hunters who are looking for a wide range of targets and want to maximize their chances of finding valuable items. Is designed to provide the greatest possible detection depth, which makes it easier to locate items that are buried deeply in the ground. Additionally, the mode is designed to provide maximum sensitivity, which makes it possible to locate small or subtle targets that might be missed with other detectors.

GROUND TRACK / AUTOMATIC – It is designed to help the user achieve the best possible performance in a variety of ground conditions. By continually measuring the mineralization of the ground, the detector is able to make real-time adjustments to its settings to ensure that it is operating at its optimal level.

ELECTRONIC PINPOINTING – Allows the user to quickly and accurately determine the exact location of a detected target. It operates in a non-motion All-Metal Mode and provides a precise measurement of a target’s position, making it easier to recover the target.

ADJUSTABLE THRESHOLD – Allows the user to manually set the level of the audio threshold, which is the constant background noise heard while using the detector. By adjusting the threshold, the user can better hear the targets they are searching for.

FAST TRACK GROUND BALANCE – Detector that enables the user to automatically balance the detector for use in mineralized soil. This helps to optimize the performance of the detector in challenging ground conditions, allowing for more efficient and effective treasure hunting.

SCANTRACK OPTIMIZATION – Allows the user to optimize the performance of the metal detector by automatically adjusting the search coil’s tracking. This results in improved depth, discrimination, and pinpointing accuracy, which makes it easier to find targets. By using the Scantrack Optimization feature, treasure hunters can increase their chances of finding valuable items and reduce the amount of time they spend searching.


  • Graphic Target Imaging™ (GTI) shows true target size and depth. Watch “Imaging by Garrett” video
  • Graphic Target Analyzer™ (GTA) identifies target’s conductivity
  • True Digital Signal Processor™ (DSP) improves discrimination accuracy
  • ScanTrack™ optimizes treasure signals based on searchcoil swing speed
  • Ground Balance: automatic and also manually adjustable
  • All Metal, Non-Motion Deepseeking Mode: allows hovering over target
  • User-adjustable Volume, Threshold, Tone, Sensitivity, Discrimination
  • Salt Elimination Aid: eliminate interference caused by wetted salt at beach
  • Hip Mount Battery Pack: reduces detector weight for long searches
  • FastTrack™ Ground Balance for use in All Metal Mode
  • Surface Elimination: adjustable search aid ignores shallow, undesired items
  • LCD Backlight: to illuminate LCD screen for improved visibility
  • External Speaker and Headphone Jack: quarter-inch (1/4″) size
  • Coin Alert Belltone Audio™: Garrett sound for high conductivity targets
  • Last Mode Switching: switch from All-Metal into last-used discrim. mode
  • 6 Search Modes  plus electronic pinpointing


The Garrett GTI 2500  package comes with a number of useful accessories that are designed to enhance the user’s metal detecting experience.

  • Target ID Cursor Segments: 24
  • Iron Discrimination Segments: 3
  • Accept/Reject Discrimination: yes
  • Search Modes: 5 (plus Imaging/Pinpoint)
  • Sensitivity/Depth Adjustments :24
  • Electronic Pinpointing: YES, with size/depth display
  • Frequency: 7.2 kHz, user-adjustable
  • Audio Tone ID Levels: 3
  • Standard Search coil: 9.5″ PROformance™ Imaging
  • TreasureHound EagleEye Search coil
  • Length (Adjustable): 40″ to 51″
  • Weight: 4.6 lbs
  • Batteries: 8 AA
  • Battery Condition Indicator

Garrett GTI 2500 TraesureHound includes everything you need to start treasure hunting!






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