
Garrett Sea Hunter Mark II Under Water Detector


Garrett Sea Hunter Mark II is designed specifically for underwater use and is fully waterproof to depths up to 200 feet. It has a large search coil that can cover a wide area and can detect metal objects at great depths, making it an ideal tool for underwater treasure hunting, wreck diving, and other underwater applications. The Sea Hunter Mark II also features a Discrimination mode that allows the user to filter out unwanted targets and focus on finding valuable objects.

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Product Description

Garrett Sea Hunter Mark II is a high-performance underwater metal detector designed specifically for use in saltwater environments. It features a fully waterproof design that allows it to be used in depths of up to 200 feet, making it suitable for use in both shallow and deep water.

The Sea Hunter Mark II includes a range of advanced features and capabilities, such as a pulse induction circuit that provides excellent sensitivity to small and large targets, as well as improved depth detection. It also includes a discrimination mode that allows the user to filter out unwanted targets, as well as an audio threshold feature that provides a clear, constant tone for all targets.

Sea Hunter Mark II is easy to use and adjust, with a simple and intuitive interface that allows for quick adjustments on the fly. It also features a removable control housing that can be mounted on the hip or the arm, making it suitable for a wide range of underwater detecting activities.

Pulse Induction metal detectors generate a series of short, powerful pulses of energy that create a magnetic field. When the magnetic field comes into contact with a metal object, it induces a current in the metal that generates a secondary magnetic field. This secondary field can be detected by the metal detector, which alerts the user that a metal object is present.

The Sea Hunter Mark II uses advanced PI technology to provide reliable performance in saltwater and other challenging environments. PI technology is particularly well-suited for detecting metal targets in mineralized soil, areas with high levels of electromagnetic interference, and underwater environments. Because PI metal detectors generate a magnetic field that quickly dissipates, they are less likely to be affected by mineralization or electromagnetic interference than other types of metal detectors.


Here are the features of the Garrett Sea Hunter Mark II package :

  • Detection Performance: Good detection on all targets from jewelry to coins to nuggets.
  • Balances to Saltwater:  NO. Is inherently immune to most saltwater and can typically be used without the need for discrimination. However, in certain situations, discrimination may still be necessary to filter out unwanted targets or to focus on specific types of metal objects. For example, if there are a lot of junk targets in the area, discrimination can help to reduce false signals and make it easier to find valuable objects.
  • Control knobs: Allow the user to adjust various settings to optimize performance in different environments.
  • Audio Threshold: Allows the user to adjust the background sound level of the detector
  • Discrimination: Allows the user to adjust the level of discrimination applied by the metal detector.
  • Sensitivity/Depth adjustment: Allows the user to adjust the sensitivity and depth of the detector.
  • Search Modes: 2 Trash Elim Modes (both Motion Modes)
  • Submersion Depth: 200 feet
  • Standard Search coil: 8″ Mono
  • Length Adjustable: 28″ to 52″
  • Power: 8 AA
  • Headphones: Submersible
  • Weight: 5.1 lbs



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